2.1.2Employee Health Safety and Security

Management Approach

SBM Offshore is committed to safeguarding the Health, Safety and Security (HSS) of its employees, subcontractors and assets, as well as to minimizing the impact of the Company’s activities on local ecosystems and proactively protecting the environment. SBM Offshore applies controls and safeguards based on a lifecycle hazard management process and an integrated management system, the Global Enterprise Management System (GEMS), underpinned by the Company’s Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) culture development program. In line with the Company’s HSSE, Human Rights and Process Safety Policy statement endorsed by the Management Board, SBM Offshore defines its HSSE requirements relative to its hazard exposure in compliance with applicable legal requirements and ISO standards, as well as international oil and gas practices1.

SBM Offshore continues the journey to Target Excellence (see section 2.1.3), with the objectives of No Harm, No Defects, No Leaks coordinated by the Group HSSE & Operational Excellence Director. For the No Harm goal, SBM Offshore sets the expectations for all employees and the companies to whom SBM Offshore outsources, to intervene on unsafe acts, unsafe situations and non-compliance with Life Saving Rules, to stop the work if they feel anything is unsafe and to report on interventions and any incidents. The Life365 program, as an integral part of the Target Excellence journey, frames the development of the HSSE leadership and culture development in the Company.

SBM Offshore :

  • Follows the guidance of ISO17776 for hazard management.
  • Follows the best practices outlined in Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and Energy Institute (EI) guidance documents.
  • Investigates incidents and identifies the immediate and root causes to prevent re-occurence.
  • Values pro-active consultation and open communication with employees, encouraging participation in HSSE-related initiatives, campaigns and Life Day.
  • Implements a health-control framework, which includes a fitness-to-work process, medical check-ups, health surveillance, and medical emergency arrangements. 
  • Provides HSSE training covering the full range of Company activities.

2020 Performance

SBM Offshore assesses Company HSSE performance through a set of indicators. The following table provides the targets set for 2020 and the performance achieved :





Total Recordable Injury Frenquency Rate (TRIFR)



Section 4.10.1

High-consequence work-related injury Frequency Rate



Section 4.10.1

Tier 1 PSE



Section 4.10.1

Tier 2 PSE



Section 4.10.1

Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (OIFR)3



Section 4.10.1

Security incidents4




  • 1 E.g.relating to marine systems releases with no impact to HSSE
  • 2 E.g.relating to gas compressors leading to flare emissions (see section 2.1.6).
  • 3 For employees
  • 4 None of these security incidents resulted in any actual injury or physical harm to SBM Offshore personnel

The Company continued to expand the HSSE initiatives in 2020, among other things, as follows :

  • Progressed significantly in developing Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP).
  • Developed standard barrier model to pilot the SBM Offshore live barrier project in 2021.
  • Managed COVID-19 response worldwide, demonstrating adequacy of controls and resources to manage a pandemic.
  • Engaged at project management level and at offshore unit level to strengthen the ownership of a safety culture among leaders and supervisors.
  • Appointed country security specialists in all countries which rate as ’Medium risk’1.
  • Deployed the Company-wide Life Day and engagements with employees via multi-disciplinary monthly campaigns.

The following graph shows that SBM Offshore’s Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate has remained around the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) average since 20132.


SBM Offshore has defined the following 2021 targets :

  • To achieve a TRIFR better than 0.18
  • To have fewer than 3 Tier 1&2 PSE

SBM Offshore has planned the following key initiatives for 2021 :

  • Further develop the company culture & leadership by embedding behavioral practices and human factors in particular, revisiting notably our safety leadership skills program and deploying it.
  • Further implement our HEMP into operate and execute scopes, including standardization as part of Fast4Ward®.
  • Standardize safe working practices and improve assurance on their implementation.
  • Maintain security controls on our activities, and preparation of new country entry.
  • Increase health and welfare awareness and health-related program on specific topics.
  • Maintain compliance with certification requirements on shorebases and offshore units, and a transition to ISO45001.